Thursday, February 15, 2007
I supposed these are all the designs for the tribe tee and logo! (: A big thank you to everyone for helping, whether to design or to suggest! Well here are all the designs collected over quite some time, look through and decide how you all want to come up with a tee from all these designs! have fun!
Cassandra's designs:
Charmaine's designs:
Rogan's designs:
Joel's designs:
Rogan's Logo:
Kaiqi's Logo:
Yup! Alrighty, have a happy total defence day everyone! <3,>
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
What can we do?
"It is finished!"
So what can we do but thank You,
What can we do but give our lives to You!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The Pain of Love
C.S Lewis
Love's as hard as nails, Love is nails: Blunt, thick, hammered through The medial nerves of One Who, having made us, knew The thing He had done, Seeing (what all that is) Our cross, and His.
Imagine guys, God didn't just stay "up there" watching from afar... He WAS Christ, dying on the cross, for you and me! As Christ cried, "My God, why have you forsaken me?", imagine, the bond that was never before broken in eternity past, was broken. That triune fellowship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit was broken as the sins of the world were poured onto Christ.
Where did the sins come from?
You and me.
Pain. Christ experienced it in such a real sense! Both physical and spiritual. Physical because it's painful to die. Spiritual, because imagine how unclean He felt with all the weight of the world's sins from Adam to the last man standing on this earth.
The cross shows "God struggling with God" and just imagine, Christ could have done it some other way but He chose to live with us and experience our full spectrum of temptations, yet without sin. Even at the last moment, as He drew His dying breath, He could have called on a host of angels to come down in the twinkling of an eye. But He didn't...
Love kept Him on the cross.
Truly, love is as hard as nails my dear bros and sis... I pray even during this time as you settle in your new tribes that you'll remember this fact when you're discouraged! "For God so loved the world..." and the world is us.
God Bless,
Monday, February 05, 2007
This is the design samples i've made. Keeping it simple. I've found thetype of t-shirt to use, and i've shown Jonathan Chong the shirt. The site for more pics can be found in the tag board. This are all just samples, and are copyrighted.
reGards - roGan